
Saturday, February 24, 2018

The Deceived By: E. C. Fisher

The Deceived

By: E.C. Fisher

I truly love the cover of this book! The design is truly artistic and powerful all wrapped into one. And what I like about it even more, is that this rendition of Lucifer, aka Satan aka the Devil is much darker then most I have encountered, and I like it. There is something about the time and effort with cover art, that pulls me in.

Now as for the book, this is a different version of Revelations. In this version it is Lucifer’s end of days. So be prepared for a different outlook then what you are accustomed to, and let me tell you, this one will truly keep you reading to want to learn more.

Lucifer has gone and killed God, and then sent the Angels onto Earth for the cycle of rebirth. In the meantime, he has stayed in Heaven, plotting his revenge. 

The Arch Angel Michael as his Father is dying, gives him the Sword of Spirit, in hopes that he can save humanity, and is sent to Earth to try to do just that, upon his own rebirth. 

The Planet is being attacked by the four horsemen of the Apocalypse: Death, Famine, War and Conquest. 

Michael gathers a group of followers and travels across the US in hopes of defeating the Anti-Christ and ending Lucifer’s plan, as well as freeing his own love, who was taken hostage during his own escape from Heaven.

This book, is like no other biblical tale you would hope to read, and in fact, the Author has another book titled: “The Deceived: Additional Selection of Short Stories” Link: If you are interested. 

I truly found this book to be a five-star read myself, it was one of those unique style kind of books, that gives you a completely different way of looking at things. And sometimes, you just need to give everything a second look, and maybe even a third. And with the biblical stories and theories, there are so many, that all anyone ever does is argue. That’s one reason I enjoyed this book. It was written totally out of the ordinaire and it has its own sense of style and uniqueness. I truly enjoyed it, and think I found myself a new writer to follow!
Here are my questions for Mr. Fisher:
 1. What made you write this book, and how long did it take you?

I had a thought in my head one day while working, 'What if the Bible was a lie?' This thought drove me to think about what the consequences of that would be like and then my story sprung from that. I tried to focus the idea on Lucifer winning his war against God but during his reign, Lucifer found it impossible to just eradicate humanity, so he had to go about corrupting them. Hence his lie, the Bible. I decided not to focus on the effects of this revelation until it was near the time of his plans fruition, which was the End of Days or Revelations. It took me a little over six months to feel comfortable with my story to decide to go through with sending it over to an editor.

2. Do you have any photos or descriptions of the characters?

I was thinking of getting some illustrations completed for the characters, but I haven't done that yet. Maybe in the future, I will provide that as a bonus to go with the book.

3. What are you working on now?

I have a sent a fantasy story to my editor, it is broken into four parts at the moment which I hope to use to bring in more readers and followers. The book is titled; Re: Camelot Part One: The Descendant of the King. I am also working on a suspenseful paranormal story at the moment, it is my first attempt in this genre but I am feeling confident in it. The working title of this story is The Rain. I hope to bring both of these books to readers before the spring of 2018.

4. Did you ever think you would grow up and become a writer?

Writing was never something I thought I would find myself doing when I was younger. One day, I woke up and just had a story in my head and I wasn't able to sleep well until I was finally able to write it out.

5. What all education have you had?

Nothing more than High School.

6. What are your hobbies?

I like watching movies or TV shows. I was into bowling when I was younger but haven't been doing much of that lately. I like billiards.

7. Who is your favorite Author(s)?

I like Clive Cussler, Dan Brown and Jim Butcher

8. Where is your favorite place to write?
I have my computer set up in the living room. I find having the distractions around me help my creative mind figure out a scene I may be stuck on.

9. What inspires you to write?
I try to rethink old stories. Kind of how I thought of The Deceived and my new release Re:Camelot Part One: The Descendant of the King. 

10. Please share with us your social media and book links:

Social Media Links:

The Deceived: Additional Selection of Short Stories: 8PCZW3
A Diary of Sweet Revenge: A Short Story: 69CVFRV

11. Anything else that you would like to add?

I have released Re:Camelot Part One: The Descendant of the King. Please consider taking a look at it on Amazon: Re:Camelot Part One: The Descendant of the King:

The DeceivedThe Deceived by E.C. Fisher
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I truly love the cover of this book! The design is truly artistic and powerful all wrapped into one. And what I like about it even more, is that this rendition of Lucifer, aka Satan aka the Devil is much darker then most I have encountered, and I like it. There is something about the time and effort with cover art, that pulls me in.

Now as for the book, this is a different version of Revelations. In this version it is Lucifer’s end of days. So be prepared for a different outlook then what you are accustomed to, and let me tell you, this one will truly keep you reading to want to learn more.

Lucifer has gone and killed God, and then sent the Angels onto Earth for the cycle of rebirth. In the meantime, he has stayed in Heaven, plotting his revenge.

The Arch Angel Michael as his Father is dying, gives him the Sword of Spirit, in hopes that he can save humanity, and is sent to Earth to try to do just that, upon his own rebirth.

The Planet is being attacked by the four horsemen of the Apocalypse: Death, Famine, War and Conquest.

Michael gathers a group of followers and travels across the US in hopes of defeating the Anti-Christ and ending Lucifer’s plan, as well as freeing his own love, who was taken hostage during his own escape from Heaven.

This book, is like no other biblical tale you would hope to read, and in fact, the Author has another book titled: “The Deceived: Additional Selection of Short Stories” Link: If you are interested.

I truly found this book to be a five-star read myself, it was one of those unique style kind of books, that gives you a completely different way of looking at things. And sometimes, you just need to give everything a second look, and maybe even a third. And with the biblical stories and theories, there are so many, that all anyone ever does is argue. That’s one reason I enjoyed this book. It was written totally out of the ordinaire and it has its own sense of style and uniqueness. I truly enjoyed it, and think I found myself a new writer to follow!

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