Said It Couldn’t be Done?
A Diamond from the Rough
Denise Jones
I seen this book advertised in one of the groups where our
writers advertise their books, and I totally wanted to read it instantly. My
very most favorite type of books are and always have been: true stories. This
is also something I enjoy watching on TV, and video as well, learning about people
and history, and their way of life, is personal, and I feel it is truly
inspirational for so many people. And somehow, there are always life changing
events, that impact the reader, as well as the writer who wrote the book
This book, “Who Said it Couldn’t be Done” truly blew me out of
the water. There was so much, I mean just so much. I couldn’t put it down. I
read it in one night, while crying my eyes out, and yelling at different
people, including God and Denise’s own Mother. And yes, I even yelled at Denise
too. I just went through so many
emotions, and disbelief.
And then afterwards, I went directly into a writers block.
Denise can vouch to you that I read this book a week prior to it being posted.
I don’t know if it was the book, or that I even spoke to Denise personally over
the phone. And no, she isn’t the first, and won’t be the last writer I speak to
But the events in her life, they just—they just will wake
you the reader up. To life, and real life people. Especially since these kinds
of things are currently still happening even today, and sometimes even worse. Even
today, there are even more drugs, and people are even more violent, to the
point of doing drive by shootings over drugs.
My Word program is having an issue with my grammar as I
write this review, pointing out that it is improper. But this review is going
to be point blank and honest, and in order to do so, my grammar may not be
This book written by Denise Jones, who was once known by DJ,
a woman who wore a strap on, and looked like a man, that scared everyone in
sight. Denise was a beautiful sweet innocent little girl, and an unplanned
pregnancy, because her mother, like a lot of other young people- didn’t know
any better. Don’t get me wrong, her mother knew, but her mother also loved the
boy. They were best friends, until that one day that is. The day that Denise
was conceived.
Denise was raised by a religious grandmother because of her
Mothers age. And Denise shortly thereafter, had other siblings, because her
Mother was always in the streets, trying to make money, and get her own score. The
streets led to all kinds of things, including sex and pregnancy, not just drug
Denise ended up raising her own siblings, once her own
mother felt that she could get her children, and make it on her own, against
her own mothers better judgment. At first, Denise was excited, as were the
other children, and at first, they were a happy family. But that didn’t last.
The one nice thing Denise find coming home to was after
school one day, and the walls were freshly painted, and new curtains were up.
Denise was excited. That meant Mom must be doing better. She could hardly wait
for her Mother to return home to tell her how excited for her she was. But days
went by, turning into weeks.
Their Mother would drop off food stamps and money from time
to time, but it wouldn’t always last. Denise would have to send out her
siblings to beg for bread and a few other things on occasion. She would scrape together
coins, to go to the Laundromat to wash their clothes, that’s when she wasn’t washing
them at home in the sink or tub.
When their Mother would take the time to pop in, if Denise
would question her, like: “Where have you
been?” and “When are you gonna stay
here?” or anything on the norm, it would result in fists flying. So
eventually Denise just learned, by way of biting her tongue to keep her mouth
Eventually Denise ended up unable to continue her education,
because basically she became a full time Mother to her siblings. Making their
meals, washing their clothes, getting them ready for bed, you name it,
everything a ‘normal’ parent would
After a while Denise wanted to know what life was like
outside of the home, and in the neighborhood, so she began exploring. She found
neighbors, and became friends with a few. Everyone expected Denise and the boy
to match up, but instead, her and her best friend a girl, became best of
friends, and even fell in love with one another.
Denise didn’t want anything to do with men, all she ever
heard or seen from them was bad, and all she ever anticipated out of them, was
the worst. She knew she never wanted to be with a man, and as she started
learning about her sexuality, it was then that she started realizing that she
didn’t even desire men.
In the meantime, Denise’s mother was getting worse and
worse, and gaining the reputation as a pimp, and now had a nickname: “Dirty
When I first read the nickname, I laughed. But it wasn’t a name, nor a force to be
reckoned with. Dirty O, would bring home people, have orgies and sleep all over
the house. However, she at least did have the decency to make one rule: stay
out of the one room, where my children are, and stay away from them.
The story goes on and on, of child abuse, neglect, and
hatred, and drug usage. And then it proceeds to open up further whereas Denise
learns her way around that world herself.
In the beginning, you feel sorry for Denise, and how she was
raised, but as time goes on, she turns out to be just like her mother, all over
again, and in some cases, even worse.
God keeps prying at her, but Satan keeps winning.. .. over
and over again. Satan has a strong hold on the poor girl, and a good grip I
might add. Because even Denise knows God wants in, but she just doesn’t want to
give in.
Denise is convinced that if God loved her, her Mother wouldn’t
have been just a lousy Mother in the first place. She lets the Devil play with
her mind. She toys with more drugs, and women, and even almost dies several
times, but obviously God has a purpose and a plan for Denise.
She attends church every so often, and as I explained, God
and Satan have been playing tug of war with DJ and her spirit and soul for
quite some time. And I honestly believe, they started with her Mother first,
and felt, yeah, let’s keep battling with this family. Only the strong will
survive. But both of these women managed to put the Devil to shame in the long
Denise's Mother Arrest Photo |
Let me tell you, there are so many points in this book, that
are just so freakishly out there. One time I thought for sure that Denise was
going to die. I was reading, and scared to death. Denise, her hand was just
barely hanging on to her wrist and arm. She crashed through a glass doorway to
try and save herself, and almost died. The hospital they took her to, sends her
to another hospital to die, and even called her own Mother, to inform her that
Denise would be dying shortly, and to be prepared. But, low and behold, Denise
proved them wrong, because that hospital decided to perform surgery on Denise,
and save her. That and God. He stood above her and said, and these are my
words, “Denise I have plans for you, you
are to write your life story, and share it with people, and tell them about Me!”
Remember, that is what I will bet my bottom dollar God said in Denise’s ear,
because He obviously had big plans for her.
Denise used to want to die, she didn’t care. Drugs weren’t
solving her problems, her own Mother didn’t love her, and she felt like a
failure. But still, Denise is here with us.
Eventually, Denise’s own Mother, the famous Dirty O found
the Lord. She was going to Church. She prayed for her daughter, she prayed for
forgiveness, she prayed for strength, and she prayed that the Devil would find
his way out of their family.
Denise was shocked at the sight of her own Mother, rather than
say hello to her, she asked her where her gun was. She didn’t call her Mom
either, she called her Dirty O. Her Mother, only smiled in return, and says, “You ask where my gun is, no hello Mom? Just
where is my gun?” As Denise stood in front of her mother with her hair all
beautiful, who stood their in a dress and heels.
Denise’s own mother kept praying for her daughter, so did
the people of the church as well as the pastor. Everyone helped focus their
prayer and sights on turning DJ back into Denise. Day in and day out.
Denise and Satan kept fighting back, never allowing God in,
until one glorious day when the pastor point blank called out to Denise. And
Denise, as she sat in that pew, knew God wanted in and Satan was working on a
quick exit. The pastor didn’t stop. He called to Denise several times, until
finally, as Denise felt like she needed assistance in walking up to the front,
the pastor came to her, and laid his hand upon her. It was then that Denise
knew, Satan was on his way out, and God was on His way in. She could feel the
hand of God pulling her, and wanting in, and she knew it was time.
As she was in front of the Church, people gathered around
her, and they were praying over her, and rejoicing, and Denise started shaking.
Denise could feel the spirits, rebuking from her body. She said the one that
was the hardest to exit her body, was the sin of lesbianism. It fought the
hardest to stay, and the longest, but finally after a long time, of prayers and
rejoicing, and rebuking Satan, the demon left her behind.
For Denise it was one of her most glorious days. It was a
long spiritual change, and she struggled greatly, and almost had a relapse, but
fortunately God had control of the wheel.
Denise ended up getting a real job, it last for several
years, and she was very proud of it. But eventually, she ended up losing it, by
way or promotion, when they checked her past. One more time, Denise questioned
God’s motives. But she wasn’t letting God guide her at the time, and she was
ignoring His signs. Here what He was trying to do, was make Denise finish her
Denise went back to School, and at first, she found it
extremely hard. But fortunately, she found someone to encourage her and help
her, and guide her, besides God. And she kept pushing forward. Eventually
Denise obtained her G.E.D. and with that, she gave a graduation speech, that
told her life story, and opened people’s eyes, to: “Who Said it Couldn’t Be Done” but just in its earlier stage, a verbal
thought. Once she shared her insight, it was then that Denise obtained herself
a scholarship to further her education!
This story will enlighten you, and bring you to realize that
there is a light at the end of the tunnel: God. And for every wrong turn you
have made, it could be because you haven’t let Him guide you, and maybe you
have made a wrong turn somewhere. Maybe it’s time to rethink your life, just
like Denise did, and let God take the wheel.
God loves you, and just because you have made your life
choices, and the way they are, doesn’t mean they are right or wrong. If things
are going good for you, then maybe you are on the right path. But if your life
is terrible, then maybe you are on the wrong road.
Denise shares with you her own personal experience in her
story, a real life painful experience that brought her away from Satan to the
Lord. From trials and tribulations and all this to see the way of the Lord, our
Lord Jesus Christ.
I have found a perfect verse that I think represents the way
God was showing Denise unto him, allow me to share with you this from the KJV John 1 verses 1 through 5: 1.) In the beginning
was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the word was God. 2.) The same was
in the beginning with God. 3.) All things were made by him; and without him was
not any thing made that was made. 4.) In him was life; and the life was the
light of men. 5.) And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended
it not. The reason that I have chose this passage is because I think it
represents how God was trying to shine His light, and open His doorway, and see
His way into Denise. At first, Denise was unsure, and always fighting, because
Satan was stronger. But eventually, DJ weakened, and Denise and God won against
Satan. Now don’t mind me, you may take this verse differently, because many
people do in fact translate the bible differently. That’s why religion is one
of the biggest argumentative around.
If you ever want to hear Denise’s story, she is willing to
share her story publicly, and help those less fortunate, in hopes of teaching
them about our Lord, and helping people to make a difference and change their
lives. Denise is now a personal spokes person for the Lord, she is always
willing to sing the praises of our Lord, and help anyone else to see that He is
the way, the truth and the light.
Denise and her Mother now |
I give this book, “Who
Said it Couldn’t Be Done” an absolute perfect score. Five stars and then some,
because you will get to feel every single emotion you own. This book is a very
emotional read, and truly eye opening. I would suggest that if you like true
stories, that you read this. Denise truly opens up her heart and soul to you,
and then shares with you just exactly how she expelled Satan and found the
Lord. A truly real life, religious and enlightening experience for any reader. This
book is worth your time effort and money to read, and after you read it, you’ll
want to share it with others.
Questions for Denise:
1. How long did it
take you to write this book?
I start in 1993, and finish 2010 and that's because was still working on me.
2. How difficult was it for you to write your life down?
very, during that time suicide was on my trail daily
3. Do you still attend the same Church?
Yes, since 1986
4. Do you or does anyone have any photos of you on your "thug life" that you would be willing to share?
(I am and have shared them throughout this review and interview)
5. The Demons that exited your body, does the Devil ever try to let them back in, or do you just stay faithful to Him and remember your ways as they were in the past?
The devil is a defeater, his job is to try and deceive me or you. My past keeps me with gratitude, to never look back.
I start in 1993, and finish 2010 and that's because was still working on me.
2. How difficult was it for you to write your life down?
very, during that time suicide was on my trail daily
3. Do you still attend the same Church?
Yes, since 1986
4. Do you or does anyone have any photos of you on your "thug life" that you would be willing to share?
(I am and have shared them throughout this review and interview)
5. The Demons that exited your body, does the Devil ever try to let them back in, or do you just stay faithful to Him and remember your ways as they were in the past?
The devil is a defeater, his job is to try and deceive me or you. My past keeps me with gratitude, to never look back.
6. How many drugs have you literally tried and experimented with?
Drug Log
- Heroin - opium, Cocaine - upper Dilaudid - opium,Talwin (T’s) pain killer, Pyribenzamine, (Blues) - antihistamine, Ritalin – hyperactive children (ADD/ADHD)
- Tac or PCP (Phencyclidine), which is a hallucinogenic, Locker-Room – Formaldehyde (embalming fluid), 529J, 591, wheel chairs - opium, Placidyl – sleeping pill
- Cough syrup with codeine (Robitussin, Tussionex, P.Bur, Alnon, Gusteni)
7. Is there a visible
scar on your wrist from crashing through the apartment door? If so, just for an
example of your painful past, are you willing to share the photo of your wrist
with us?
Both arms, head and shoulder were cut
8. I love how you show your current photos and it looks as though there is a wedding band on your finger. Are you married AND did you prove your past self wrong and find a good man?
I have a ring on each hand, on the right is my BA on the left is my Master ring. Presently I don't know what the future holds regarding marriage, I remain open to the will of God.
9. Have you had any children or do you plan to?
I have no children, I am too old now.
10. What are you currently doing with the education you have gained?
I was a substance abuse counselor, I current a manager for the Chicago Public Schools. A, I started a 501c3 for ex-offenders
11. What do you hope to do for your future self?
Both arms, head and shoulder were cut
8. I love how you show your current photos and it looks as though there is a wedding band on your finger. Are you married AND did you prove your past self wrong and find a good man?
I have a ring on each hand, on the right is my BA on the left is my Master ring. Presently I don't know what the future holds regarding marriage, I remain open to the will of God.
9. Have you had any children or do you plan to?
I have no children, I am too old now.
10. What are you currently doing with the education you have gained?
I was a substance abuse counselor, I current a manager for the Chicago Public Schools. A, I started a 501c3 for ex-offenders
11. What do you hope to do for your future self?
Travel the world sharing the message of "Hope"
12. Is there another book in the future?
Yes, the title is"Break Free"
13. How many siblings do you have all together?
14. What has your Mother done with her life now?
Her, my sister and I work in the ministry
15. Please share with us your social media links:
12. Is there another book in the future?
Yes, the title is"Break Free"
13. How many siblings do you have all together?
14. What has your Mother done with her life now?
Her, my sister and I work in the ministry
15. Please share with us your social media links:
16. Please share with us your book links:
16. Please share with us your book links:

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I seen this book advertised in one of the groups where our writers advertise their books, and I totally wanted to read it instantly. My very most favorite type of books are and always have been: true stories. This is also something I enjoy watching on TV, and video as well, learning about people and history, and their way of life, is personal, and I feel it is truly inspirational for so many people. And somehow, there are always life changing events, that impact the reader, as well as the writer who wrote the book itself.
This book, “Who Said it Couldn’t be Done” truly blew me out of the water. There was so much, I mean just so much. I couldn’t put it down. I read it in one night, while crying my eyes out, and yelling at different people, including God and Denise’s own Mother. And yes, I even yelled at Denise too. I just went through so many emotions, and disbelief.
And then afterwards, I went directly into a writers block. Denise can vouch to you that I read this book a week prior to it being posted. I don’t know if it was the book, or that I even spoke to Denise personally over the phone. And no, she isn’t the first, and won’t be the last writer I speak to personally.
But the events in her life, they just—they just will wake you the reader up. To life, and real life people. Especially since these kinds of things are currently still happening even today, and sometimes even worse. Even today, there are even more drugs, and people are even more violent, to the point of doing drive by shootings over drugs.
My Word program is having an issue with my grammar as I write this review, pointing out that it is improper. But this review is going to be point blank and honest, and in order to do so, my grammar may not be perfect.
This book written by Denise Jones, who was once known by DJ, a woman who wore a strap on, and looked like a man, that scared everyone in sight. Denise was a beautiful sweet innocent little girl, and an unplanned pregnancy, because her mother, like a lot of other young people- didn’t know any better. Don’t get me wrong, her mother knew, but her mother also loved the boy. They were best friends, until that one day that is. The day that Denise was conceived.
Denise was raised by a religious grandmother because of her Mothers age. And Denise shortly thereafter, had other siblings, because her Mother was always in the streets, trying to make money, and get her own score. The streets led to all kinds of things, including sex and pregnancy, not just drug abuse.
Denise ended up raising her own siblings, once her own mother felt that she could get her children, and make it on her own, against her own mothers better judgment. At first, Denise was excited, as were the other children, and at first, they were a happy family. But that didn’t last.
The one nice thing Denise find coming home to was after school one day, and the walls were freshly painted, and new curtains were up. Denise was excited. That meant Mom must be doing better. She could hardly wait for her Mother to return home to tell her how excited for her she was. But days went by, turning into weeks.
Their Mother would drop off food stamps and money from time to time, but it wouldn’t always last. Denise would have to send out her siblings to beg for bread and a few other things on occasion. She would scrape together coins, to go to the Laundromat to wash their clothes, that’s when she wasn’t washing them at home in the sink or tub.
When their Mother would take the time to pop in, if Denise would question her, like: “Where have you been?” and “When are you gonna stay here?” or anything on the norm, it would result in fists flying. So eventually Denise just learned, by way of biting her tongue to keep her mouth shut.
Eventually Denise ended up unable to continue her education, because basically she became a full time Mother to her siblings. Making their meals, washing their clothes, getting them ready for bed, you name it, everything a ‘normal’ parent would do.
After a while Denise wanted to know what life was like outside of the home, and in the neighborhood, so she began exploring. She found neighbors, and became friends with a few. Everyone expected Denise and the boy to match up, but instead, her and her best friend a girl, became best of friends, and even fell in love with one another.
Denise didn’t want anything to do with men, all she ever heard or seen from them was bad, and all she ever anticipated out of them, was the worst. She knew she never wanted to be with a man, and as she started learning about her sexuality, it was then that she started realizing that she didn’t even desire men.
In the meantime, Denise’s mother was getting worse and worse, and gaining the reputation as a pimp, and now had a nickname: “Dirty O.”
When I first read the nickname, I laughed. But it wasn’t a name, nor a force to be reckoned with. Dirty O, would bring home people, have orgies and sleep all over the house. However, she at least did have the decency to make one rule: stay out of the one room, where my children are, and stay away from them.
The story goes on and on, of child abuse, neglect, and hatred, and drug usage. And then it proceeds to open up further whereas Denise learns her way around that world herself.
In the beginning, you feel sorry for Denise, and how she was raised, but as time goes on, she turns out to be just like her mother, all over again, and in some cases, even worse.
God keeps prying at her, but Satan keeps winning.. .. over and over again. Satan has a strong hold on the poor girl, and a good grip I might add. Because even Denise knows God wants in, but she just doesn’t want to give in.
Denise is convinced that if God loved her, her Mother wouldn’t have been just a lousy Mother in the first place. She lets the Devil play with her mind. She toys with more drugs, and women, and even almost dies several times, but obviously God has a purpose and a plan for Denise.
She attends church every so often, and as I explained, God and Satan have been playing tug of war with DJ and her spirit and soul for quite some time. And I honestly believe, they started with her Mother first, and felt, yeah, let’s keep battling with this family. Only the strong will survive. But both of these women managed to put the Devil to shame in the long run!
Let me tell you, there are so many points in this book, that are just so freakishly out there. One time I thought for sure that Denise was going to die. I was reading, and scared to death. Denise, her hand was just barely hanging on to her wrist and arm. She crashed through a glass doorway to try and save herself, and almost died. The hospital they took her to, sends her to another hospital to die, and even called her own Mother, to inform her that Denise would be dying shortly, and to be prepared. But, low and behold, Denise proved them wrong, because that hospital decided to perform surgery on Denise, and save her. That and God. He stood above her and said, and these are my words, “Denise I have plans for you, you are to write your life story, and share it with people, and tell them about Me!” Remember, that is what I will bet my bottom dollar God said in Denise’s ear, because He obviously had big plans for her.
Denise used to want to die, she didn’t care. Drugs weren’t solving her problems, her own Mother didn’t love her, and she felt like a failure. But still, Denise is here with us.
Eventually, Denise’s own Mother, the famous Dirty O found the Lord. She was going to Church. She prayed for her daughter, she prayed for forgiveness, she prayed for strength, and she prayed that the Devil would find his way out of their family.
Denise was shocked at the sight of her own Mother, rather than say hello to her, she asked her where her gun was. She didn’t call her Mom either, she called her Dirty O. Her Mother, only smiled in return, and says, “You ask where my gun is, no hello Mom? Just where is my gun?” As Denise stood in front of her mother with her hair all beautiful, who stood their in a dress and heels.
Denise’s own mother kept praying for her daughter, so did the people of the church as well as the pastor. Everyone helped focus their prayer and sights on turning DJ back into Denise. Day in and day out.
Denise and Satan kept fighting back, never allowing God in, until one glorious day when the pastor point blank called out to Denise. And Denise, as she sat in that pew, knew God wanted in and Satan was working on a quick exit. The pastor didn’t stop. He called to Denise several times, until finally, as Denise felt like she needed assistance in walking up to the front, the pastor came to her, and laid his hand upon her. It was then that Denise knew, Satan was on his way out, and God was on His way in. She could feel the hand of God pulling her, and wanting in, and she knew it was time.
As she was in front of the Church, people gathered around her, and they were praying over her, and rejoicing, and Denise started shaking. Denise could feel the spirits, rebuking from her body. She said the one that was the hardest to exit her body, was the sin of lesbianism. It fought the hardest to stay, and the longest, but finally after a long time, of prayers and rejoicing, and rebuking Satan, the demon left her behind.
For Denise it was one of her most glorious days. It was a long spiritual change, and she struggled greatly, and almost had a relapse, but fortunately God had control of the wheel.
Denise ended up getting a real job, it last for several years, and she was very proud of it. But eventually, she ended up losing it, by way or promotion, when they checked her past. One more time, Denise questioned God’s motives. But she wasn’t letting God guide her at the time, and she was ignoring His signs. Here what He was trying to do, was make Denise finish her education.
Denise went back to School, and at first, she found it extremely hard. But fortunately, she found someone to encourage her and help her, and guide her, besides God. And she kept pushing forward. Eventually Denise obtained her G.E.D. and with that, she gave a graduation speech, that told her life story, and opened people’s eyes, to: “Who Said it Couldn’t Be Done” but just in its earlier stage, a verbal thought. Once she shared her insight, it was then that Denise obtained herself a scholarship to further her education!
This story will enlighten you, and bring you to realize that there is a light at the end of the tunnel: God. And for every wrong turn you have made, it could be because you haven’t let Him guide you, and maybe you have made a wrong turn somewhere. Maybe it’s time to rethink your life, just like Denise did, and let God take the wheel.
God loves you, and just because you have made your life choices, and the way they are, doesn’t mean they are right or wrong. If things are going good for you, then maybe you are on the right path. But if your life is terrible, then maybe you are on the wrong road.
Denise shares with you her own personal experience in her story, a real life painful experience that brought her away from Satan to the Lord. From trials and tribulations and all this to see the way of the Lord, our Lord Jesus Christ.
I have found a perfect verse that I think represents the way God was showing Denise unto him, allow me to share with you this from the KJV John 1 verses 1 through 5: 1.) In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the word was God. 2.) The same was in the beginning with God. 3.) All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. 4.) In him was life; and the life was the light of men. 5.) And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. The reason that I have chose this passage is because I think it represents how God was trying to shine His light, and open His doorway, and see His way into Denise. At first, Denise was unsure, and always fighting, because Satan was stronger. But eventually, DJ weakened, and Denise and God won against Satan. Now don’t mind me, you may take this verse differently, because many people do in fact translate the bible differently. That’s why religion is one of the biggest argumentative around.
If you ever want to hear Denise’s story, she is willing to share her story publicly, and help those less fortunate, in hopes of teaching them about our Lord, and helping people to make a difference and change their lives. Denise is now a personal spokes person for the Lord, she is always willing to sing the praises of our Lord, and help anyone else to see that He is the way, the truth and the light.
I give this book, “Who Said it Couldn’t Be Done” an absolute perfect score. Five stars and then some, because you will get to feel every single emotion you own. This book is a very emotional read, and truly eye opening. I would suggest that if you like true stories, that you read this. Denise truly opens up her heart and soul to you, and then shares with you just exactly how she expelled Satan and found the Lord. A truly real life, religious and enlightening experience for any reader. This book is worth your time effort and money to read, and after you read it, you’ll want to share it with others.
View all my reviews
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