
Sunday, December 25, 2016

True Story: "I'll Get You!" Drugs, Lies, & the Terrorizing of a PTA Mom By: Sam Rule

True Story: “I’ll Get You!” Drugs, Lies, and the Terrorizing of a PTA Mom

By: Sam Rule

Kelli Peters lived in Orange County, California, and had one of those seemingly normal lives like most PTA Moms do. You know, she loves and took care of her family, drove in the carpool, and volunteered at her Daughters School from time to time. The normal kinds of things Parents do. 

Little did Kelli know, one day she would end up in a conspiracy just because the parents of another child, Jill and Kent Easter, were upset because their Son had been kept waiting. Allegedly mind you. 

Kelli tried to handle the situation with kindness, apologizing for something that even she was unaware that she had done, but apparently it had already caused a target to be placed on Kelli’s head and there was no way out of it. 

After the incident, Kelli gave it no further thought. But for the Easter’s they had begun to set their plan in motion. 

Can you imagine being a woman who is and was drug free, being set up, and found with drugs on your person, and then imagine the embarrassment this will cause? Not to mention, now you are being investigated in how many ways? How will people look at you now? Think how this is going to affect Kelli and her family.

Then the lies start at School, because other students, with the help of the Easter’s Son, start talking about Sydnie’s Mom, and how she was found with drugs in her possession. School is hard enough, now everyone is looking at Syndie like: wow…

Kelli ends up having nightmares, and everywhere she does try to go, she feels like she is being followed. Is she? 

Eventually the whole ordeal gets so intense that Kelli learns more that she had bargained for, because the Easters make their intentions known to Kelli. “We’re going to get you!” and other threats were made one on one. Kelli fears for her life, and informs law enforcement, and her family but as you know, in the beginning, it takes proof with the law.

Kelli is told to keep a lid on everything, but the stress is eating her up inside. Eventually she feels the need to see a counselor. Going without sleep, living in fear, she just can’t handle all of this.

Fortunately, through this true story that Kelli told to Sam Rule, in the end justice does prevail. But it still doesn’t erase the damage that it has caused. Even to Syndie. 

Kelli was shocked in the end, that the media was interested and involved in the coverage of this case. But she was also pleased to find that in the end, the public was on her side. 

This book is astounding, and eye opening. At the end, Kelli’s own words will enlighten you that she was pleased with the outcome of the book, and sharing her insight and terror with Sam Rule. She wants to make people aware that there is and are people out there like the Easters, and to always be prepared.

This book, is a nightmare, and very much worth reading. I could feel myself worry, and wonder, and want justice for Kelli and Syndie. I was so impressed that Mr. Rule took the time to share their story with us. It is a definite five star read. And I am pleased that Kelli and her family are doing well now, so to speak, and I wish them continued peace, and thank them for sharing their lives and story with us. 

Be sure and check this book out. Especially if you like true stories, you will find this book worth your time and money!

My questions for Sam:
1. What made you write this book and how long did it take you to write it?
A mutual friend introduced me to the victim in this case, Kelli Peters, and after I met her and heard what she'd been through, I was compelled to write her story. I offered to do it for free since she didn't have the money to hire a writer.

2. Do you have any photos or descriptions of your characters?
There are some in the book, but most of them are online. The characters are real-life people, so they're easily found on Google. :)

From the book, Kelli and daughter Syndie
From the book, Mugshots of the Easters

3. What led you to desire to become a writer?
I'd always loved to read, and it's my belief that all avid readers are also writers at heart. I started to write at a young age but didn't have the guts to finally publish until my forties. Some of us are late bloomers!

4. What are you working on now?
Sequels to two other books under different pen names. Also, I'm toying with the idea of writing a "Making Of" book that shows the behind-the-scenes reality of what it took to write this book. It was so interesting to interview attorneys, police, etc., and to also get to know the victim on a personal basis. Plus, there were contract negotiations with Hollywood (Netflix has optioned the book for a movie deal starring Julia Roberts) that were difficult and crazy and exciting! 

5. What suggestions do you have for those desiring to become a writer?
Just write, even when you don't think you're doing a good job. Write, and write some more, and push through to the end. As readers, we have high tastes in what we read, and often it takes time and practice as a writer for our skills to match our taste in books. That's often why so many writers give up before they've ever reached the finish line. Write, and write some more, and eventually you'll close the gap between your expectations for good writing and your skill level.

6. What is your favorite book of all time?
That's a hard one! I would say Little Women. I read that book so many times as a child that I practically memorized it. The character of Jo has stayed with me forever.

7. What all education have you had?I put myself through UCLA while working full time. I was so tired during those years that I don't really remember anything that I learned. I do remember the yummy pastries at the UCLA coffee shop, though. (Priorities...) ;)

8. Do you ever put yourself into any of your characters?Yes, and also people that I know. That's the fun part! I can also get my revenge on mean people that way, haha.

9. What kind of research did you do for "I'll get you" or was this just off the top of your head?I interviewed everyone I could, from the district attorney, the civil attorney, the victim, her friends and family, you name it. Plus I pored over transcripts, interviews, and text messages. It was time consuming but fascinating!

10. Please share with us your social media and book links:
Google Play:
11. Anything extra to add?
I would say to anyone with a secret dream, find ways to pursue it in a consistent way, even if it's in small chunks. I'm living proof that dreams can come true with consistency (KEY), hard work, and never giving up! Reach for the stars--there are enough for all of us to grab! :)

"I'll Get You!" Drugs, Lies, and the Terrorizing of a PTA Mom by Sam Rule
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Kelli Peters lived in Orange County, California, and had one of those seemingly normal lives like most PTA Moms do. You know, she loves and took care of her family, drove in the carpool, and volunteered at her Daughters School from time to time. The normal kinds of things Parents do.

Little did Kelli know, one day she would end up in a conspiracy just because the parents of another child, Jill and Kent Easter, were upset because their Son had been kept waiting. Allegedly mind you.

Kelli tried to handle the situation with kindness, apologizing for something that even she was unaware that she had done, but apparently it had already caused a target to be placed on Kelli’s head and there was no way out of it.

After the incident, Kelli gave it no further thought. But for the Easter’s they had begun to set their plan in motion.

Can you imagine being a woman who is and was drug free, being set up, and found with drugs on your person, and then imagine the embarrassment this will cause? Not to mention, now you are being investigated in how many ways? How will people look at you now? Think how this is going to affect Kelli and her family.

Then the lies start at School, because other students, with the help of the Easter’s Son, start talking about Sydnie’s Mom, and how she was found with drugs in her possession. School is hard enough, now everyone is looking at Syndie like: wow…

Kelli ends up having nightmares, and everywhere she does try to go, she feels like she is being followed. Is she?

Eventually the whole ordeal gets so intense that Kelli learns more that she had bargained for, because the Easters make their intentions known to Kelli. “We’re going to get you!” and other threats were made one on one. Kelli fears for her life, and informs law enforcement, and her family but as you know, in the beginning, it takes proof with the law.

Kelli is told to keep a lid on everything, but the stress is eating her up inside. Eventually she feels the need to see a counselor. Going without sleep, living in fear, she just can’t handle all of this.

Fortunately, through this true story that Kelli told to Sam Rule, in the end justice does prevail. But it still doesn’t erase the damage that it has caused. Even to Syndie.

Kelli was shocked in the end, that the media was interested and involved in the coverage of this case. But she was also pleased to find that in the end, the public was on her side.

This book is astounding, and eye opening. At the end, Kelli’s own words will enlighten you that she was pleased with the outcome of the book, and sharing her insight and terror with Sam Rule. She wants to make people aware that there is and are people out there like the Easters, and to always be prepared.

This book, is a nightmare, and very much worth reading. I could feel myself worry, and wonder, and want justice for Kelli and Syndie. I was so impressed that Mr. Rule took the time to share their story with us. It is a definite five star read. And I am pleased that Kelli and her family are doing well now, so to speak, and I wish them continued peace, and thank them for sharing their lives and story with us.

Be sure and check this book out. Especially if you like true stories, you will find this book worth your time and money!

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