By Eric J. Gates
Within this book, are characters who want into your mind.... They want you to read them, because apparently the more you read.... You seem drawn in, almost like you're right there. You think I'm joking? Pick up this book yourself. You'll see.
Nic Stiles is a famous Author, (now as I'm reading this book and the name I'm picturing Rick Castle- sorry it couldn't be helped at first, I watch too much TV maybe.) and Nic has a fan that sends him something. But this fan, low and behold is not just an ordinary person. And this fan isn't like "Misery" from Stephen King either. Nope. This one? Ready? This one is an assassin. Ok now what would an assassin send someone in the mail you wonder... Um... And then... And then want back. Yeah; I said want back. You're wrinkling your forehead aren't you? Please tell me you now are even the slightest bit curious?! I was. I couldn't put the book down. I had to know.

This book is spell binding, and you will be left wanting more, because you won't understand at one minute, and than the next, you'll be like...ready to jump in and want to get involved. It almost made me wonder; hmmm... Has Mr. Gates had this happen to him, and wrote from experience? Because this is very realistically written; I could visualize it clearly and think it would make a tremendously entertaining movie! One that would keep everyone on the edge of their seats!
I will say this, however; I did learn a quite bit more then what I usually do when reading. Obviously Mr. Gates either researched, or is quite a bit full of knowledge whence referencing spies, assassins and criminals and naturally writers. He speaks very well and openly of materials, and diagnostics, and chemicals, everything. I mean it's very detail oriented, which makes it something worth reading because you're learning at the same time. I mean if you read; and absorb and take in what you read and learn from it. Most of us; for that I'm certain-do. I just was enthralled. It was like nothing I've ever read before, and I do hope to experience more of his work in the near future!
**People have been complaining I reveal too much details about books in my blog, thus I've decided to try cutting back on blowing endings and everything. If you disagree with this, let me know, but it has been brought to my attention as a complaint, so I did this entry differently!**
I give this book five stars. When I read it alloud each night before bed to my husband, he enjoyed it greatly, he too agrees it is a five star book.
Here are my questions for Mr. Gates:
1. How did you come up with this story?
I love challenges and am also fascinated by the advances made in science. Many years ago I started to follow the developments in Quantum Mechanics, a really strange ‘branch’ of science where normal rules don’t seem to apply. I began to wonder back then if it would be possible to develop a good thriller story based on some of these weird concepts. Fate (Destiny?) threw a few titbits my way when I learnt about part of the traditional Buddhist mythology dealing with destiny and the two concepts just clicked. However, I have not sacrificed my usual fast-paced suspense thriller style to the science. It’s an integral part of the story and easily understood.
2. Are any of the characters based on people you know?
I have modeled a couple of characters on people I’ve met, but this time, most were born in the dark recesses of my mind. The Intelligence agency computer systems I mention, however, as well as the use of Micro Air Vehicles are very real.
3. Which of the characters is your favorite?
Hard to say. On the one hand the hyped-up craziness of conspiracy nut Phil Beasley was fun to write, yet the hard-nosed female agent, Bridget Mason, had its attractions too.
4. How long did it take you to write this?
The preparation took by far the longest, almost two years surprisingly, mainly because of the research I had to perform. Once the planning of the novel was ready, using my bespoke method of defining the end first, the actual writing to produce a first draft took a little over three months …of very long seven-day weeks.
5. How long have you been writing all together?
I started writing over forty years ago, mainly short stories and a novel thankfully buried in a box at the back of a filing cabinet. Life then intervened and although I did use many of my ‘dead’ moments during my constant International traveling to pen a tale or three, I’ve only been writing full-time now for the last eight years.
6. What is your advice to anyone wanting or seeking a career as a writer?
Writing is a business as well as a craft and it’s important to learn both sides of the coin. Both are complex processes to dominate and I’ve tried to help newer writers by writing my ‘How NOT to be an ASPIRING Writer’ book where I look at the writing process (from start to finish)and how it is evolving both from a practical and humorous point of view. I tried to cram as many tricks and tips which I know to work into that volume as I could, as well as to make it fun to read. That’s one source new writers could use, but one of the greatest aids is seeking out writer communities. Many are willing to help fellow writers with tons of useful advice based on real experience.
7. Whom is your ultimate favorite author?
I read extensively and have eclectic tastes so it is difficult to single out just one writer above all the great ones I follow. I am particularly fond of thriller novels and these have experienced a significant evolution over the years. What was state-of-the-art thirty years ago now seem staid, so it would be unfair to cite Ian Fleming or John Gardner in the same breath as Tom Clancy or Frederick Forsyth. Each is a master of their particular sub-genre at a specific moment in time.
8. What all hobbies do you have?
Writing obviously. Although it is also my profession, if I didn’t enjoy doing it, I would not continue. I am also an avid reader. I love the movies too. In fact, if I started to list all the stuff I am interested in, I’ll wonder where I get the time to write!
9. Do you have plans on another book?
Oh yes! ‘Outsourced’ is my eighth book (seventh novel) and the next one is already half-written; it’s book four of ‘the CULL’ series. Then I have two more novels researched, planned and ready to go after that. And, I’m sure a few more ideas will occur to me as the days go by…
10. Are you on book tour, or planning on a book tour?
No. Physical book tours are logistically difficult for me given I live outside my target English-speaking markets. Virtual book tours are something I’ve looked into but for the moment have not undertaken.
11. What else have you written?
I have one on-going series ‘the CULL’, which follows the adventures of Katie Lindon and Amy Bree,
two female Federal Agents who work for an elite intelligence unit and
take on ‘strange’ cases where they bring their out-of-the-box approach
to resolving the mysteries they encounter. The series started as a re-examination of vampire lore, which far predates ‘Dracula’ and Vlad the Impaler,
and, although I’ve tried to stick to documented ancient history, I have
brought the tale into the Twenty-first Century with bio-genetics and
some sophisticated artificial intelligence surveillance systems.
Then there is ‘Leaving Shadows’, a spy thriller about an company called Charlie Allsop Consulting Services which is staffed by ex-Special Forces operatives and goes about recovering kidnap victims. I say a spy thriller, which may seem odd, because their client is the British Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) in this story which is the first in another series. The second novel, provisionally titles ‘Chasing Shadows’, will be out next year.
After that I have ‘Full Disclosure’ where a dying Southern Texas township is isolated and subjected to an unusual experiment whilst rogue factions of the military stage an assassination attempt against the President back in D.C. This novel features two covert assassins, one who works deep-cover missions for the US; the other is an ex-member of a secret British Ministry of Defence agency, now working freelance. Many readers have asked for more of these two, codenamed Kris and Snow, so I have a future project where they will be back!
Finally there is ‘2012’, a novel I wrote back in 2006, which is my own take on the end-of-the-World scenario cited for that year and features a plot by an extremist group to bring about the destruction of civilization using ancient artefacts discovered in the Giza pyramids. The daughter of an MIT robotics engineer and a burnt-out, ex-special forces soldier who has lost everything, team up to try to prevent worldwide destruction against a backdrop of a war between the US and China over oil.
All the novels have one thing in common: they are page-turners that will grab you from the first paragraphs and you’ll find your food and drinkgoing cold as the stories race to their conclusions. People have even forgotten to collect their kids from school when they’ve been reading my thrillers (real case), so be warned!
12. Where all can we follow you on social media?
13. Please list all ways to buy your books including this one:
You can find links for all the others either on my website (extracts too) or via my Amazon Author page.
14. Anything you would like to add?
Two things. First to thank Deneale for the opportunity for this interview. Second, to all the readers out there, please remember all writers put substantial time and effort into providing you with entertainment in the form of their novels. All we ask in return is that you take five extra minutes when you have finished reading the books to leave a review so we can see what you thought about our work. You have no idea how much this is appreciated by the authors.
Brief Bio of Eric J. Gates:
Eric J. Gates has had a curious life filled with the stuff of thriller novels. Writing Operating Systems for Supercomputers, cracking cryptographic codes under extreme pressure using only paper and pen and teaching cyberwarfare to spies are just a few of the moments he’s willing to recall publicly. He is an ex-International Consultant who has travelled extensively worldwide, speaks several languages, and has had articles and papers published in technical magazines in six different countries, as well as radio and TV spots. His specialty, Information Technology Security, has brought him into contact with the Military and Intelligence communities on numerous occasions. He is also an expert martial artist, holding 14 black belt degrees in distinct disciplines. He has taught his skills to Police and Military personnel, as well as to the public. He now writes thriller novels, drawing on his experiences with the confidential and secret worlds that surround us.