By L.J.K.
When I seen Laura Oliva advertise this book, I knew I had to
read it. I love witchy books, and I also love to read the work of Ms. Oliva.
She writes so beautifully, and I can comprehend it. So I knew I just had to
have it.
Georgia Clare and Darius deCompostela are back, you should
remember them from the book: “A World
Georgia Clare is the lone survivor and witness to her own coven’s
brutal massacre and since that time, she could feel a hunter was after her. The
thing is, San Francisco Covens want nothing to do with her, and yet the one man
that she can turn to, low and behold: he doesn’t do witches.
Darius, tries his damndest to avoid these kind of things. He
is a private investigator, and a medium that likes to keep to keep his secrets
on the down low, per se. And Darius does not want to let anyone, especially
witches know, that he even exists. He is one of those kind of guys that wants
to sleep sound at night.
However, once Georgia turns to Darius, he tries, and tries,
but he cannot turn Georgia away. He says to himself, it’s just one case, it can’t
change his life. Little does he know…
Now Georgia and Darius must take the San Francisco witching
community by storm to determine who it is that is following Georgia, and who is
the one who brutally murdered her own coven, and if this person who is now
hiding in the San Francisco coven.
Together Georgia and Darius must determine how to solve
this, and keep Georgia safe at the same time. Can they do it, and will they
keep the San Francisco coven safe at the same time, and keep themselves out of
danger as well?
In order to get these answers, and more, you need to read
this fabulous five star book yourselves. “Season
of the Witch” by Laura Oliva is a wonderful book that will keep you wanting
more, and worrying about everyone and their safety as your read it. You will
love the twists and turns and the fabulous ending, I promise you. This is a
wonderful book that you should give a chance!
What made you write this book and how long did it take you?
I introduced Georgia
Clare and Darius deCompostela in A World Apart, Book 1 of my Shades
Below series. I knew from the jump that there was more to their story than I'd
be able to capture in A World Apart, and thus Season Of The Witch
was born.
I am just curious... Did you make up the last name: deCompostela? If not- where
have you heard it before? (You don't want to know what I thought when I first
seen the name!!)
Haha, I think I can guess!
;-) No, I didn't come up with it on my own. I remember seeing it somewhere, but
I can't for the life of me recall where. Don't you hate it when that happens?
Do you have photos or descriptions of your characters?
How did Georgia Clare manage to be the lone survivor and witness to her covens
brutal massacre? Doesn't that just seen a might bit too lucky or convenient to
Best answer I can
think of without giving away spoilers: anytime something seems to good to be
true, it usually is. Suffice it to say, if Georgia being the sole survivor of
the coven massacre seems odd at face-value, good! That's the whole point.
Did you research anything for this book?
I did! I always do
quite a bit of settings research, so I visited several of the locations
mentioned in the book in person. I also did quite a bit of research on
curanderismo, hoodoo, candle magic, demonology, and hellhound lore.
What is your favorite kind of stories to write?
I love writing
stories that get people thinking. There are a lot of books out there that are
super fun to read, but don't really push the reader. I'm not knocking those
books- there's a time and a place for them, and I enjoy them immensely- but I
want my books to do a bit more. I want to make people question the world around
them, their beliefs, their fears, what it means to be good or evil, whether
doing monstrous things for moral reasons makes someone a monster.
In short, I love to
write stories that make people a little uncomfortable.
What are your favorite kind of stories to read?
Pretty much the same
as the stories I aspire to write. My favorite stories are multifaceted and
complicated. They force me to pull out the darker parts of myself, hold them up
to the light and scrutinize the hell out of them. I know it was a good book if
I come away from it feeling slightly jarred.
What are you currently working on now?
I'm currently working
on my second Shades Below short. It's an m/m novella centered around Emil Stone
and Misha "Puzzle" Kaslov, two of the secondary characters I
introduced in A World Apart. The title is Thicker Than Water, and
it's set in New Orleans.
What all education have you had?
High school graduate,
some college. And, of course, the great school of life. :-)
What is your suggestion to someone trying to become a writer?
Stick with it, and
don't listen to all the voices telling you what you *should* be doing. (Hint:
there may be times when the loudest voice comes from yourself).
Please list your book links and social media info:
Shades Below:
World Apart
(Book #1)
Of The Witch
(Book #1.5)
Devil's Disease
(Book #2)
Anything extra to add:
Thanks again for
having me on your blog! And thanks to your readers for hanging out withe me!

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
When I seen Laura Oliva advertise this book, I knew I had to read it. I love witchy books, and I also love to read the work of Ms. Oliva. She writes so beautifully, and I can comprehend it. So I knew I just had to have it.
Georgia Clare and Darius deCompostela are back, you should remember them from the book: “A World Apart.”
Georgia Clare is the lone survivor and witness to her own coven’s brutal massacre and since that time, she could feel a hunter was after her. The thing is, San Francisco Covens want nothing to do with her, and yet the one man that she can turn to, low and behold: he doesn’t do witches.
Darius, tries his damndest to avoid these kind of things. He is a private investigator, and a medium that likes to keep to keep his secrets on the down low, per se. And Darius does not want to let anyone, especially witches know, that he even exists. He is one of those kind of guys that wants to sleep sound at night.
However, once Georgia turns to Darius, he tries, and tries, but he cannot turn Georgia away. He says to himself, it’s just one case, it can’t change his life. Little does he know…
Now Georgia and Darius must take the San Francisco witching community by storm to determine who it is that is following Georgia, and who is the one who brutally murdered her own coven, and if this person who is now hiding in the San Francisco coven.
Together Georgia and Darius must determine how to solve this, and keep Georgia safe at the same time. Can they do it, and will they keep the San Francisco coven safe at the same time, and keep themselves out of danger as well? And who know what else exciting can even happen...maybe even a little romance...
In order to get these answers, and more, you need to read this fabulous five star book yourselves. “Season of the Witch” by Laura Oliva is a wonderful book that will keep you wanting more, and worrying about everyone and their safety as your read it. You will love the twists and turns and the fabulous ending, I promise you. This is a wonderful book that you should give a chance!
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