The Influence of Military Strategies to Business
By: M.D. White
When I received this book, I thought it would be a good choice
and time to share, read and review this. With the World the way it is today,
economically everything is changing. And the Military and their families can
use all the help that we can get and give to them, and not just from the
Military's point of view. Therefore, I found this insight something that needed
shared for many reasons.
Mr. White wrote this insightful, educational, and enlightening
book not just because he felt that it would benefit others, but because he
wanted to. He used his expertise education that he gained from being a Psychological
warfare consultant, as well as his business strategy education. Mr. White is
also educated in Business Management and Leadership expert. With these fine
skills, Mr. White spent years testing theories, and strategies, until he was
certain he had mastered perfect scenarios worthy of sharing with the world,
thus creating this book: The Influence of Military Strategies to Business.
Now, as you are looking at this title, you are probably
thinking this is some kind of financial handbook, or guidebook on making ends
meet with your military paycheck or something. But this is not the case with
this book.
Here, Mr. White will try and show you ways to work with your
employees, and build a successful team with your business. Gleam and groom your
business managers, and prune them to grow and succeed, and prosper.
This book can even help in your Political field. Showing you
how to build success under you, and even around you. The world is your
battlefield, and you must be ready to combat it, daily. In order to win, you
must be ready, and willing to fight for what you want.
Mr. White had this to say and I quote: "No amount of
experience in crucial conversations, or business negotiations, can prepare you
better than the information you'll gleam from this manual. It's truly a
politician’s guide to psychological warfare. Perhaps its President Trumps
bible, and what he reads every night. The moral of the story is: Use it, or be
used by it! Current geopolitical controversies only emphasize this point."
I am only giving you the opportunity to look further into this
book, as I think you should if you want your business, or even yourself to
succeed further. Much of what is said in this book makes complete sense. You
need to think about what I am going to say to you right now: If you have
something, money, business, jewels, etc, think about how many simply envy you
because you have it, even if you earned it yourself. Those people want what you
have and will do whatever it takes to take it away from you. Does this not seem
a little like war? It may only be a competition, and you only have to fight to
keep what it is yours, even when people wrongfully steal it. But order
to win, you need advantages. Just a thought to ponder right there. And within
the pages of this book, there are a lot of advantages that you can learn when
reading it.
I truly found this book very educational and eye opening. I
learned a lot, and am very glad that I read it. I give this book five stars and
honestly wish that I could give it more. This is a book that I feel that
everyone should read, and honestly, I mean everyone. It will educate you, and
make you think and see a lot clearer, as well as understand. Mr. White even explains
everything in a way that is understandable too, he wasn’t intimidating, very
1. What made you write this book and how long did it take you?
I am a huge business, finance, and entrepreneur buff. Anything business or investment related, I'm all in. So, it was the obvious choice for me. If I was to write a book it had to be business related, or a work used to inspire others in achieving their plans, goals and dreams.
I am a huge business, finance, and entrepreneur buff. Anything business or investment related, I'm all in. So, it was the obvious choice for me. If I was to write a book it had to be business related, or a work used to inspire others in achieving their plans, goals and dreams.
information provided in this book stems from a life's worth of studying, once
you've got all the knowledge and experience the rest is fairly simple. The
hardest part is breaking down all the principles and philosophies into terms
that all can understand. While still making it fun and practical. This book,
with these goals in mind, took 3 years--working part time.
2. Who designed the cover?
With a little direction from me, Katie Norton.
3. Do you have any photos or descriptions of yourself that you can share with us?
2. Who designed the cover?
With a little direction from me, Katie Norton.
3. Do you have any photos or descriptions of yourself that you can share with us?
4. What are you working on now?
A book not too different from this one. At least as it relates to the market audience. The new book is geared towards the more sinister side of us. It can be used for good or evil. It is a book on the art of power. It covers, in part, communications, manipulation, influence, deception, leadership, management, politics, diplomatic relations, persuasion, psychological warfare, the “con” game, and so much more. Its purpose is to arm yourself for a world like ours. It may surely become a staple in everyone's library.
5. What motivates you to write?
The motivation is to teach myself how to do better. I study from all the greats...all the experts in every industry and place all of the most important information into a master book that I use for my reference, and I then start to rewrite what works only after I've had the opportunity to explore all available options. I compile these into a book to become more efficient. So I am motivated by my own selfish desires--to save my time.
6. If you were to get writers block, or have ever had it, what do you do for it?
Read. Usually I'll go pick up a Wall Street Journal and look for new ideas or investments BEFORE the next BIG THING jumps into my head. Bye Bye writers block.
4. What are you working on now?
A book not too different from this one. At least as it relates to the market audience. The new book is geared towards the more sinister side of us. It can be used for good or evil. It is a book on the art of power. It covers, in part, communications, manipulation, influence, deception, leadership, management, politics, diplomatic relations, persuasion, psychological warfare, the “con” game, and so much more. Its purpose is to arm yourself for a world like ours. It may surely become a staple in everyone's library.
5. What motivates you to write?
The motivation is to teach myself how to do better. I study from all the greats...all the experts in every industry and place all of the most important information into a master book that I use for my reference, and I then start to rewrite what works only after I've had the opportunity to explore all available options. I compile these into a book to become more efficient. So I am motivated by my own selfish desires--to save my time.
6. If you were to get writers block, or have ever had it, what do you do for it?
Read. Usually I'll go pick up a Wall Street Journal and look for new ideas or investments BEFORE the next BIG THING jumps into my head. Bye Bye writers block.
If this fails
to work for any reason I'd go out and find a stimulating conversation, that had
nothing to do with my writings, and wait for inspiration. It usually comes
within 15 minutes. Nothing too fancy.
7. What suggestions can you offer for the aspiring writers out there?
Write. Write. Write. Never give up. It's not always easy but it us rewarding. It could establish self worth, and, definitely, demonstrates value to the world--and, most importantly, your family.
8. How long have you been writing?
All my life. Never took it seriously until a few years ago. I regret not starting earlier.
9. What are your hobbies?
Business investing. Financial wizardry. Creative investments. Reading. Writing. Creating. Spending time with the family.
Teaching people how to make money, live healthy, and be inspired.
10. Do you put yourself into your characters?
My “characters” are generally real world figures who have experienced the same things that I have. So it would be easy to “put [myself] into [my] characters,” because I've been there. The difference is that the characters that I use are notable people with known records.
11. Where is your favorite place to write?
My closet or home office.
12. Please share with us your social media and book links:
7. What suggestions can you offer for the aspiring writers out there?
Write. Write. Write. Never give up. It's not always easy but it us rewarding. It could establish self worth, and, definitely, demonstrates value to the world--and, most importantly, your family.
8. How long have you been writing?
All my life. Never took it seriously until a few years ago. I regret not starting earlier.
9. What are your hobbies?
Business investing. Financial wizardry. Creative investments. Reading. Writing. Creating. Spending time with the family.
Teaching people how to make money, live healthy, and be inspired.
10. Do you put yourself into your characters?
My “characters” are generally real world figures who have experienced the same things that I have. So it would be easy to “put [myself] into [my] characters,” because I've been there. The difference is that the characters that I use are notable people with known records.
11. Where is your favorite place to write?
My closet or home office.
12. Please share with us your social media and book links:
13. Anything to add::
I spend
the majority of my time lifting people up. I love to motivate and inspire those
who lack the confidence in themselves. I am a firm believer that I can teach
ANYONE to be rich, healthy, positive, prosperous, and happy. They just require
a little guidance, and someone that believes in them. This is me.
Accept my
challenge and be AMAZED.

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
When I received this book, I thought it would be a good choice and time to share, read and review this. With the World the way it is today, economically everything is changing. And the Military and their families can use all the help that we can get and give to them, and not just from the Military's point of view. Therefore, I found this insight something that needed shared for many reasons.
Mr. White wrote this insightful, educational, and enlightening book not just because he felt that it would benefit others, but because he wanted to. He used his expertise education that he gained from being a Psychological warfare consultant, as well as his business strategy education. Mr. White is also educated in Business Management and Leadership expert. With these fine skills, Mr. White spent years testing theories, and strategies, until he was certain he had mastered perfect scenarios worthy of sharing with the world, thus creating this book: The Influence of Military Strategies to Business.
Now, as you are looking at this title, you are probably thinking this is some kind of financial handbook, or guidebook on making ends meet with your military paycheck or something. But this is not the case with this book.
Here, Mr. White will try and show you ways to work with your employees, and build a successful team with your business. Gleam and groom your business managers, and prune them to grow and succeed, and prosper.
This book can even help in your Political field. Showing you how to build success under you, and even around you. The world is your battlefield, and you must be ready to combat it, daily. In order to win, you must be ready, and willing to fight for what you want.
Mr. White had this to say and I quote: "No amount of experience in crucial conversations, or business negotiations, can prepare you better than the information you'll gleam from this manual. It's truly a politician’s guide to psychological warfare. Perhaps its President Trumps bible, and what he reads every night. The moral of the story is: Use it, or be used by it! Current geopolitical controversies only emphasize this point."
I am only giving you the opportunity to look further into this book, as I think you should if you want your business, or even yourself to succeed further. Much of what is said in this book makes complete sense. You need to think about what I am going to say to you right now: If you have something, money, business, jewels, etc, think about how many simply envy you because you have it, even if you earned it yourself. Those people want what you have and will do whatever it takes to take it away from you. Does this not seem a little like war? It may only be a competition, and you only have to fight to keep what it is yours, even when people wrongfully steal it. But order to win, you need advantages. Just a thought to ponder right there. And within the pages of this book, there are a lot of advantages that you can learn when reading it.
I truly found this book very educational and eye opening. I learned a lot, and am very glad that I read it. I give this book five stars and honestly wish that I could give it more. This is a book that I feel that everyone should read, and honestly, I mean everyone. It will educate you, and make you think and see a lot clearer, as well as understand. Mr. White even explains everything in a way that is understandable too, he wasn’t intimidating, very professional.
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