Against the Wall
By Dorothy F. Shaw
For those who don’t know me, Dorothy is one of my favorite
Authors. I in fact found this book on my own, searching out a book to read of
hers, because I was truly desiring a true orgasmic read. Yes, you read that
right. And I was hoping there was something out there of hers that I might
not have read yet, and when I managed to get to Amazon I found two books, and
this one was just listed.
So I started reading it, and then went to Dorothy to yell
at her for not telling me about it. That’s how I know it was just listed. I
also know some of the answers to the interview questions I ask, before I even
ask them, but I did that for you, my readers. ::wink!::
As I opened this book, the first thing that grabbed me, was
the dedication. That in itself, will make you think, and it truly goes along
with the book, trust me, at the end you will completely understand the
dedication even more so.
“Dedication: This short story is dedicated to anyone who’s
ever had to let someone go-regardless of the fact that they were still deeply
in love with them. When the pain becomes so great, sometimes, we are left with
no choice but to save ourselves. And yet, we still wonder….what if?” ~Dorothy
F. Shaw
Jake and Maggie have the most loving and orgasmic
relationship that you could ever desire. They truly love one another, and the
sex is just absolutely perfection.
They truly enjoy one another, but it just seems
as though as you are reading this, it is like there are commitment issues. And
it is like 'awe come on', are we ever going to go any further, and get more
serious, and make the relationship into a real relationship? A true and
everlasting keeper kind of forever type of love. But it is like at a sit still.
And as you are reading, you just know that Maggie seems to want more, and Jake
just seems to be stuck. But on the same token, you know that yes, they do love
one another.
And then, comes the “Dear John” letter. I stopped reading.
I said out loud, “Oh no you didn’t!!” And I reread it again:
“Please wait, because I’ll be back and than I’ll give you
all of me. I promise. Always Jake.”
Um no…Dude. Wait for
you? To what?! Grow up?! Do you realize she could find somebody better? What
while you are out doing what? Playing the field? Drinking? Doing what you want
to do?! Just sit here and wait? NO! Are you for real?!
I kept reading, Maggie knew better than to just sit there
waiting, even though she knew she loved him even still. I calmed down. I was
angry, and sad, and crying. I could not believe my eyes. I felt bad, and sad,
and…oh my goodness this book just tore me up from the floor up.
At this point I knew I had read a five star book. Real
emotions and real feelings, and real life. People truly do this, and this
really happens, and I just read the ever famous “Dear John” and “Wait for me”
game. Many people have gone through
this, and some are lame enough to wait. Their choice. I know this is something so heart breaking,
because we’ve all had relationships. But the fact is, things like this cause
many to go into depressions, without even realizing.
“Against the Wall” is written so realistically that I just
couldn’t put it down, and it brought out so many feelings that I enjoyed it
immensely. This book is truly worth the read, and as usual Dorothy has kept the
readers entertained and on the edge of their seats. Again, this, as with all of Dorothy's books, are a five star read. You need to get it, and read it. You will be "Against the Wall" yourself with so many emotions, trust me!
My Questions for Dorothy:
1. What made you
write this book and how long did it take?
I wrote this book - aka very short story - in 2010. It was part of my journey into writing, and I was definitely still learning when I wrote the first draft of it. I honestly don’t recall how long it took me or even what made me write it other than an idea came to me so I ran with it. At the time, it was the longest story I’d ever written. Since then, it’s gone through several rounds of edits, especially a couple of months ago when I decided to self publish it on Amazon.
But here’s a little more history for you: I have a rather
methodical mind, and I tend to follow a process. So, I wrote this and when I
was done, my next goal was to write a novella—20k words tops. That novella was
called “The Office”. Needless to say, that novella turned into a novel, which
turned into a series, and became what we know today as Unworthy Heart, book 1
in The Donnellys series.
2. What made you decide to self publish this book?
Simple: This story does not have a happy ever after ending. It doesn’t even have a happy for now ending…although in my opinion, Maggie does what she needs to do in order to find her own happy ending. However, you can’t really sell a story with no HEA or HFN in romance or erotica to a publisher. Plus, its a very, very short story. Because of all of those factors, I really felt it was just best to put it up myself and see if anyone reads it. My though is, there are many people who will likely identify with the story. Many people know what its like to have a broken heart, myself included.
3. Please tell everyone what you already told me about your cover:
Ah, yes. The awesome cover was designed by my ex-husband, T.D. Hoffman. He’s also a writer, and co-wrote my first book published called Spare Hearts. T is one of those good at anything he does kind of guys. It’s one of the many awesome things about him. And although he’s my ex, he makes all my promo items or covers for self pub works for me. He also helps me plot on occasion. Because we are still friends, it makes doing all that writing stuff together easy. It also makes co-parenting our kids easy too.
4. Do you have photos or descriptions of Jake, Maggie or even Jen?
Nope. LOL Sorry. But…according to what I wrote, Jen has curly dark brown hair. Maggie has thick blonde hair and Jake has long dark brown hair. That’s about all I believe. See? I was still learning a lot when I wrote this story and honestly, I left the rest up to the readers imagination when I got it cleaned up to publish. =)
5. Have you ever received a "Dear John" letter like Maggie’s?
I don’t know if I’d call the letter a “Dear John” because Jake wasn’t breaking up with her really. Rather he was once more turning his back but at the same time trying to make sure she was there for whenever he decided he was going to come back. I like to call that “fuckery” for lack of a better word. But yes, I’ve for sure had someone cast bait like that and in some cases, over and over again in order to keep me on the hook. And it didn’t have to come in the form of a letter. Something like that can come in all forms…text, voicemail, email, or face to face.
6. What are you working on now?
Right now I am writing Jaded Heart, book 4 in The Donnellys series. =) It’s due to release November 2016.
7. What is your favorite place to write?
I write in my family room, in one specific chair. When I show people my special chair, I say: “This is where the magic happens.” LOL
8. What helps you carry out these delicious orgasmic sex scenes?
Ummmm…Well, I wish I could say that I’ve done every single thing my characters have, but sadly, I haven’t… I mean really, that would be pretty crazy and awesome at the same time. And does anyone ever ask a horror author if they draw on real experience when they write about killing people? Nope. LOL Truth is, much of it is just good old fashioned imagination, it’s what we writers do. A bit may come from past experiences, sure but then in the end, I just write what the characters tell me. I do what ever they say! And they are really demanding. LOL
9. The dedication- has that happened to you?
Yes. And only because it’s you, I’ll add that I’m walking through
it right now.
10. Please provide your social and book links:
The Donnellys Series:
Single Title:
11. Anything to add:
that I always appreciate your support of my writing. Thanks, sweetie. <3
About the Author:
Dorothy F. Shaw stumbled into a career in Corporate America and has spent the last 18 years climbing the corporate ladder. A fan of journaling about her troubles, she started an online blog in 2009, and poured her emotions out for all to see.
As luck would have it, the first post came out in the form of a poem. A few authors she'd met online encouraged her to write more, and in the span of 2 years she wrote over 150 poems. The poems led to short stories, which blossomed into novels. Evident from the very beginning was her voice as an author that is real and packed with wit and sarcasm. Her stories will always include complex, broken people trying to figure out how to start and keep a relationship as well as lots of hot, steamy sex. As Dorothy sees it, the journey is the best part.
When she's not writing, she's a mother, and a friend to many. She truly lives and loves in technicolor!
Dorothy welcomes emails at: and can also be reached at, @dorothyfshaw on Twitter and

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
For those who don’t know me, Dorothy is one of my favorite Authors. I in fact found this book on my own, searching out a book to read of hers, because I was truly desiring a true orgasmic read. Yes, you read that right. And I was hoping there was something out there of hers that I might not have read yet, and when I managed to get to Amazon I found two books, and this one was just listed.
So I started reading it, and then went to Dorothy to yell at her for not telling me about it. That’s how I know it was just listed. I also know some of the answers to the interview questions I ask, before I even ask them, but I did that for you, my readers. ::wink!::
As I opened this book, the first thing that grabbed me, was the dedication. That in itself, will make you think, and it truly goes along with the book, trust me, at the end you will completely understand the dedication even more so.
“Dedication: This short story is dedicated to anyone who’s ever had to let someone go-regardless of the fact that they were still deeply in love with them. When the pain becomes so great, sometimes, we are left with no choice but to save ourselves. And yet, we still wonder….what if?” ~Dorothy F. Shaw
Jake and Maggie have the most loving and orgasmic relationship that you could ever desire. They truly love one another, and the sex is just absolutely perfection.
They truly enjoy one another, but it just seems as though as you are reading this, it is like there are commitment issues. And it is like 'awe come on', are we ever going to go any further, and get more serious, and make the relationship into a real relationship? A true and everlasting keeper kind of forever type of love. But it is like at a sit still. And as you are reading, you just know that Maggie seems to want more, and Jake just seems to be stuck. But on the same token, you know that yes, they do love one another.
And then, comes the “Dear John” letter. I stopped reading. I said out loud, “Oh no you didn’t!!” And I reread it again:
“Please wait, because I’ll be back and than I’ll give you all of me. I promise. Always Jake.”
Um no…Dude. Wait for you? To what?! Grow up?! Do you realize she could find somebody better? What while you are out doing what? Playing the field? Drinking? Doing what you want to do?! Just sit here and wait? NO! Are you for real?!
I kept reading, Maggie knew better than to just sit there waiting, even though she knew she loved him even still. I calmed down. I was angry, and sad, and crying. I could not believe my eyes. I felt bad, and sad, and…oh my goodness this book just tore me up from the floor up.
At this point I knew I had read a five star book. Real emotions and real feelings, and real life. People truly do this, and this really happens, and I just read the ever famous “Dear John” and “Wait for me” game. Many people have gone through this, and some are lame enough to wait. Their choice. I know this is something so heart breaking, because we’ve all had relationships. But the fact is, things like this cause many to go into depressions, without even realizing.
“Against the Wall” is written so realistically that I just couldn’t put it down, and it brought out so many feelings that I enjoyed it immensely. This book is truly worth the read, and as usual Dorothy has kept the readers entertained and on the edge of their seats. Again, this, as with all of Dorothy's books, are a five star read. You need to get it, and read it. You will be "Against the Wall" yourself with so many emotions, trust me!
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