the Dark Dragon Rose |
1. What, where, or how did you come up with this
beautifully romantic love story mystery all combined into one?
It started out based on the Grimm Fairy Tale, The Rose. I'd
actually done a 10 minute play of it for a local high school; in that
version, it hews very closely to the original fairy tale, where the daughter
dies in the end. I decided I wanted to do something different, so I made the
rosebush itself the mystery...one that hadn't bloomed in a hundred years.
2. Did you do research on breeding roses?
I did not. I did, however, search roses and how they grow and
what types - but not the breeding of them, per se. Plus my mother grew roses,
and I have about 20 rosebushes in my back yard, so...yeah. I'm a total
3. Do you yourself keep journals?
I used to. The one I had from 14 to 16 was left behind on a bus
in Seattle, when I was up there for a ballet camp...heartbreaking. Now I have
blogs instead, lol.
4. How long have you been writing?
Forever. (My first writing was in the 1980s, when I did Lord
Peter Wimsey Fanfic. Honest.) But seriously and for publication, since
5. Who is/are your favorite Author(s)?
Too many to list! All of the authors in the Lucky Stars Box set
have become favorites, though some of them are new to me.
6. What are your hobbies?
Hobbies? Um...Cooking, I guess...
7. What would you offer as suggestions to any aspiring writers?
Write. Keep writing. Never stop writing. But when you do stop
writing, then Edit. Polish. Rinse and repeat...
8. How long did it take you to write this book?
Hm...I didn't work on it solid, because I was working on another
project; but I guess 3 months?
9. Are any of the characters derived from anyone?
Nope...they're all a product of my imagination, lol.
10. What did you like best about this book yourself?
I love Emmalee...she's just so - full of joy, you know?
11. What are your future plans?
Book 2 in the StarTide Agency series just came out last month;
books 3 and 4 will be out this year, and I'm in the plotting stages for three
more in this series. Lots of emotional romance (and sex!), plus a
thread of suspense; I'm really enjoying this series!
12. Please share with us links to follow you on social media,
and find your books:
Twitter: @CCAshworth
13. Any last words:
I love people and I love meeting new friends - so please, don't
be a stranger. Feel free to stalk me any time!
Oh by the way! I'll be at the Book
Obsessed Chicks Beach BBQ Booksigning at Lido Beach, Long Island, on July 26th, and at Hot Mojave Knights book signing in
Las Vegas, on October 3rd! Come see me!
“Taming the Beast”
Erzabet Bishop
this book, I can say: “Don’t judge a book by its cover!” Wait, I mean title.
And I mean, you can, but don’t.
just read my review, or better yet, read the book because it is even better
then my review can portray!
see, Allyse Montlake is a BBW, you do know what that is right? And on top of
that she is a witch, with some extra talents, to boot.
Soren Rochester is the guest of honor on the bachelor, and Allyse manages to
get a job interview that lands her a spot as one of the bachelo rettes.
decides to be a different kind of bachelor and offers up a quickie kind of
remedy different than any other show ever seen. The producer explains that’s
not how its done, but then proceeds to offer it to the girls, who like the
see, little does anyone know, that the man who adores animals, has a bit of a
predicament entangled on himself, and that he needs to find himself the love
of his life.
is why and how he can communicate with these animals, because he turns into
one, and unless the ‘beast can be tamed’ by the someone who can love him
back, then he will remain and beast forever.
Soren find the perfect love, and can someone help him to end this problem,
and help him live ‘happily ever after’ like the fairy tales promise in the
end? He thinks Allyse is that special someone, what do you think?
is an amazingly interesting book, you’ll truly enjoy it, a very different and
passionate read!
My questions for
1. What made you decide to write this book?
I love fairy tales and wanted to create a modern version of Beauty and the Beast for real women.
2. How long did it take to write?
Give or take about two weeks. I work full time so trying to fit writing in my schedule can be a challenge.
3. Are any of your characters based off of anyone?
characters-no. The only one mildly representative of anyone is the
character of the bachelor and the reality television show he represents.
Otherwise they are their own people so to speak.
4. Who are your favorite Authors?
So many to count! I do love Melissa Marr, Kim Harrison and Laurel K. Hamilton.
5. What suggestions can you offer to someone writing their first book?
yourself a general outline to follow and it will guide you through.
Also don't give up. You are your own motivator and its up to you to set
your boundaries and that includes saying no to people when you have to
have time for your work.
6. Does writing come easily to you?
of the time yes but I can tell when its time for a recharge. Sometimes
after a long day at work its difficult to get in the groove, but you sit
down and immerse yourself in the world you've created and its all good.
7. How long have you been writing?
Steadily for over two years now but I've been playing at it for about thirteen years.
8. What are your future goals?
I would love to write full time and not have to split my efforts between a day job and my writing.
9. Did you enjoy writing this book and why?
did. I've always felt like BBW don't get represented as much as we
should and I wanted to give the modern woman something to hold onto. The
chance to marry the prince and kick the meanies in the teeth for once.
I'm looking forward to making the story more of a full length novel and
can't wait to see where it takes me.
10. Please share with us your links and where to buy your books:
Erzabet Bishop has been crafting stories since she could
pound keys on her parents’ old typewriter. She has only just learned that it is
a whole lot more fun writing naughty books. She is a contributing author to the
Silk Words website with her Fetish Fair choose your own romantic
adventure stories, Potnia, A Christmas To Remember, Taboo II, Forbidden Fruit, Club
Rook: The Series, Sweat, Bossy, When the Clock Strikes Thirteen, Unwrap these Presents, Wicked Things, Unbound Box, Milk & Cookies & Handcuffs, Corset Magazine: Sex Around the World Issue and Man vs. Machine: The Sex Toy Issue, Smut by
the Sea Volume 2, Hell Whore Volume 2, Can’t Get Enough, Slave Girls, The Big Book of Submission, Hungry for More, Gratis II, Anything She Wants, Dirty Little Numbers,
Kink-E magazine, Eternal Haunted Summer, Coming Together:
Girl on Girl, Shifters and Coming
Together: Hungry for Love among others.
She is the author of Lipstick (upcoming),
Dinner Date, Holidays in Hell, Red Dress, Fantasies in Red, Tethered, Red Moon Rising, Sigil
Fire, Written on Skin, Club Beam, Pomegranate, Taming the Beast, The Erotic
Pagans Series: Beltane Fires, Samhain Shadows and Yuletide Temptation. Erzabet is a finalist in the GCLS 2014 awards
in two separate categories. She lives in Texas with her husband, furry children
and can often be found lurking in local bookstores. She loves to bake, make
naughty crochet projects and watch monster movies. When she isn’t writing, she
loves to review music and books.
Follow her reviews and posts on Twitter @erzabetbishop.
11. Any last words?
for having me on the blog today. I love to hear from my readers and
hope you sign up for my newsletter so you don't miss a thing!
let’s travel to a far off World with:
Fred T. Kerns
“Mission to Bellatrix”
off the bat we meet this strong spirited Koyla, who then introduces us to
Donovan. Koyla has a job to do aboard to Jemison, and as she tries to depart
ways with Donovan, Cora the ships captain invites him along for the ride,
because they could use an extra hand.
are going to research a ship in space known as the Vancouver, which was
sending a distress signal.
is married to all the women on the ship, and the ship mates seem to have fun,
they play seemingly ‘old’ version of Grand Theft Auto and together, and what
Donovan was running from others, and didn’t divulge that in the beginning,
and eventually, the people after him, found him, and confronted the crew.
was falling for Donovan, as was he for her, but she couldn’t understand why
someone would fall for her, because she had a scared up face. She still had
her guard up too.
ship with the distress signal had spores on it, and everyone was dead, they
were sending a signal requesting that the ship be destroyed so that it would
not make any other contact with people and infect them. The medical officer
read the ships log, and the crew went aboard the ship and seen the damage,
and that the crew had abused one another, violently.
Jemison sent the message to their people, and it was received with all of the
information, and they agreed, to scrap the ship, and prevent anyone from
being infected further.
people that had attacked, and came aboard the Jemison trying to fetch
Donovan, Cora had read their ships intentions. They planned on taking him and
killing everyone aboard the Jemison. So they agreed to let all of them board
the Jemison, and then set their targets on their ship and destroy it, and
then they battled the crew, and killed them, slowly and successfully.
apologized for his fraudulent act, and told Koyla that he dearly loved her.
She didn’t want to accept his apology. She was hurt too. She didn’t know if
she should trust him again, or was he still lying. She wasn’t sure what to
do, was love worth it in the end? Would Koyla chose love after all?
story is a very enchanting love story, worth reading, and very enjoyable. My
only fear was that the spores were going to get in my lungs while I was
reading it, because I swear they were bothering me while I was reading!
Otherwise, I truly adored this book!
My questions for Fred:
What made you write this book?
had this character, Kolya Mason, in mind for a while, inspired by an image I
saw in a trailer for the first Borderlands game. I like to play around with
tropes, usually by subverting or inverting them. Something I've seen fairly
often is a male character with a scarred face (or a face that's just not what
society might consider conventionally attractive) hooking up with a gorgeous,
supermodel-type woman, so I thought it'd make an interesting story to reverse
the genders and see what happens. I had a few false starts with the story,
never really got it to click, so I put it on the back burner and focused on
the other half-dozen books, serialized stories, and fanfiction I tend to
write all at the same time. One of them was a novelette titled "Game
Over," which introduced several of the supporting characters who appear
in "Mission to Bellatrix" plus several more who all ended up
becoming the crew of Cora's ship, as well as her husband and wives.
I was contacted by Solera Winters, who told me about the Lucky Stars
anthology and asked me if I wanted to write a story for it. Even though
romantic relationships are often at the core of the books and stories I
write, I'd never tried to write a "romance" before. But since this
box set was going to be paranormal/sci-fi romances, I decided to give it a
try. For a few seconds I didn't even know where to start, but then I
remembered Kolya and realized she'd be a perfect protagonist for this story.
I also wanted to continue the adventures of the characters from Game Over, and
decided to have Kolya hitch a ride on their ship.
had the overall plot of the whole story worked out later that same evening,
started writing, and here we are. :D
the image that sparked off my ideas for Kolya, by the way, in case you're
2. Ok
so Dylan is married to all the women on the Jemison? I know a lot of guys who
would just 'love' to be him! Right?
Haha ... one line I should've added to the story is Donovan saying, "No
wonder Dylan's so mellow. It's because he's exhausted." XD But I'm
planning to expand the story into a full novel, so I can add it then. Yeah, a
lot of guys would love to walk a few miles in his shoes. And who knows, maybe
it would be awesome if it really happened and came together the right way.
This particular situation started during Game Over. A while back I saw
something randomly on TV Tropes about harems in various anime, and the idea
lodged in my head. Usually it's played for laughs, but when I decided to use
the idea in Game Over, I played it much more seriously. Dylan, Cora,
Grishnag, and the others went through a series of rather horrific
experiences, but found themselves falling in love while all this was going
on. "Mission to Bellatrix" takes place several months later, after
they've been married.
3. The Vancouver sure did suffer a great deal. I could feel the spores
entering my lungs are I read, I swear! Tell me they weren't on the pages as
you wrote them!
Well, since I write entirely on my PC or my Nextbook, you're safe ... though
I can't guarantee that of the paperback version of the Lucky Stars set.
All of my novels and stories (minus the fanfics) take place in the same
universe, and the space-time rifts the characters in Bellatrix talk about
have appeared in Chaser, a novel that's coming soon from Keith Publications,
and "Elsewhere," a serialized story that spun off from Chaser. The
spores and what they turn people into appeared recently in Elsewhere, and I
decided to use them in Bellatrix to flesh the concept out a little more. My
idea is that they're basically like the Borg, except they're entirely organic
instead of cybernetic or robotic. They work the same way, though --
infecting, spreading, taking over planet after planet.
4. Donovan and Koyla are so awesome together, I couldn't help but want to
root for them the whole way through, even after we learned the truth. Are
these characters derived from anyone special?
Aw, thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed them so much. They're not based on
anyone. When I decided that Kolya has a badly scarred face, I figured making
her bitter and angry would kind of be the obvious way to go, so I instead
steered her in the opposite direction. I thought it'd make the story more
interesting if she was fairly well-adjusted and had a generally positive attitude
and didn't let bad stuff get to her, at least not for long. And I decided
early on that she would be an explorer and adventurer, and I'm planning to
write a whole series of books with her as the protagonist. I'd originally
planned for her to stay solo, at least for a long while. But when I decided
to use her for the romance anthology, she needed someone to have a romance with.
;) So I came up with Donovan, and even though he does kind of have his own
agenda, I figured he would genuinely find her attractive. Not that he's a
scar-fetishist or whatever, but the scars and the damaged eye are simply not
deal-breakers for him. And even though it happened quickly, he really did
fall in love with her. So now they'll be adventuring together in the rest of
her books.
5. Cora seems like a very amazing ships Captain, please tell me she is
derived from someone? Or is she just that cool?!
Thank you again. :D I'm glad you liked that character, too. I definitely have
fun writing her. She's not derived from or based on anyone, either. My main
motivation in creating her was that I'd grown kind of tired of all the
fictional works across various media that portray robots and AI as inherently
evil -- The Terminator, Battlestar Galactica, even Star Trek and Doctor Who
often come across as anti-AI/anti-robot. I have a very different view of
robotic characters, and many of my works include AI or robots who go against
the typical "AI is a Crapshoot" trope. So when I decided to add
Cora to the characters in Game Over, I came up with the idea of AI being much
more varied, and also I had the idea that when an AI becomes sentient, it's
granted freedom to find its own path in life if it so chooses. Cora started
off as a sexbot, but when she became sentient, she was given the choice to
either continue in that role or find her own purpose, and she chose the
latter. I also wanted Cora to be pretty much the opposite of the usual
portrayal of robotic characters, so she's warm and compassionate and very
protective of her loved ones and anyone whose safety she's responsible for.
She'll take a villain's life if she has to, but she does it reluctantly and
doesn't feel good about it afterward.
6. Did you do any special research for this book?
When writing stuff with space opera elements, I do try to get the science as
right as I can. Things that really bug me are spaceships banking like they're
airplanes in an atmosphere, or an endless hurricane when a ship's atmosphere
is venting into space -- the whirlwind continues long after the entire atmosphere
would've already been lost. So when I write a scene like that, the venting
takes only a few seconds and then it's done. Also, the popular idea of
explosive decompression is way off. A person wouldn't actually inflate like a
balloon and pop. Instead, he'd lose consciousness in ten to fifteen seconds
(it'd be painful, though) and suffocate a minute or so later. Though, if he
made the mistake of taking a deep breath and holding it before being exposed
to vacuum, his lunge would rupture.
So that's the kind of stuff I research. I probably still get some of it
wrong, but I put in a lot of effort to get it right. One resource I used a
lot for both this story and Game Over was a website called 100,000 Stars (http://stars.chromeexperiments.com/). I used it to
find out the locations of the stars appearing in the stories, their direction
and relative distances from each other, and a few other details. Another
thing I made sure to do was to use the proper designations for each star and
its planets. The one in Mission to Bellatrix was Gamma Orionis, so the first
planet discovered orbiting it would be called Gamma Orionis b (not
capitalized, by the way) until someone gives it an actual name, the next one
discovered would be Gamma Orionis c, and so on.
Similarly, the names of alien species aren't capitalized unless they're
proper nouns. Common nouns like "human" or "dog" aren't
capitalized unless they're the first word in a sentence, but
"American" or "Doberman" are proper nouns. That was
something I didn't even think about thanks to a lifetime of seeing Klingon,
Vulcan, Silurian, Daleks, etc. capitalized. A few years ago I noticed the
names of alien species in the Mass Effect games weren't capitalized, and it
made me curious so I looked into it and then a light bulb appeared over my
head. "Ohhh, right. It's like how I'm a 'human,' not a 'Human.'" So
the species in Mission to Bellatrix, shonari and zorai and so on, aren't
Anyway, sorry for the long-winded answer. I'm kind of a nerd, so when I start
talking about stuff like this, sometimes I really get rolling. :P
7. How long did this take to write?
The rough draft took a couple of weeks. Then I did the requested edits, which
led to a couple more drafts over the next two or three weeks or so, including
the time it took for the edits to get back to me. The biggest changes were
three or four scenes I added to the story to flesh out certain events, but
the majority of what ended up in the final draft was done in a couple of
8. Any special suggestions for anyone thinking about trying to write or even
finish or maybe even start a book?
Several come to mind. I've always found starting and finishing a book to be
among the hardest things to do. That's probably why even my novels seem like
they're kind of serialized. The main plot is resolved at the end, but there
are plot threads that continue from one book to the next and then the next.
Sometimes I struggle with starting a chapter in the middle of a book, or even
a scene. One of the tricks I've come up with is to begin a scene or chapter
with a line of dialogue, which starts it with a hook and also helps me focus
on where the plot is going next.
For another thing, be ready for a long haul. I kept writing and submitting
stuff to publishers for over 20 years before I finally got a novel accepted
two years ago, and Mission to Bellatrix is the first story since then that
I've had published without just doing it myself. But if you're serious about
getting published, then keep at it. I've nearly given up many times over the
last quarter-century, but don't let it grind you down. When things start
coming together, it'll be worth all the time you've put into it. Meanwhile,
just keep writing, getting feedback, and polishing your work.
Another thing. Set up a website, start a blog, use Facebook, Twitter, and any
other social media site you can think of, and find websites where you can
post sample chapters and other content to get your work in front of readers.
If a certain book series, TV show, movie series, or video game really
captures your attention, you might even try writing some fanfiction and using
it as another sample -- content that people can read for free and decide
whether they like your writing style. Build up a fan base and many of them
will be interested in that novel you're getting published. I've been writing
Mass Effect and Transformers Prime fanfiction partly just to get certain
ideas out of my head, partly for the fun of it, and partly to help build up
an audience (plus a GI Joe fanfic for Kindle Worlds, which is another
opportunity to bring in a few bucks). It seems to be working. :D
Also, use sites like Fanstory.com to post your rough drafts and get
critiques. It'll improve your writing, and it'll increase your chances of
being noticed. I posted stuff there for several years, and one of the readers
began commenting on every chapter of everything I posted, and one day
suggested that I send Chaser to her publisher. I did, and a few months later,
shortly after I moved to Tucson, I got an email from the publisher telling me
that my book had been accepted. I didn't have internet access when I first
started trying to get my foot in the door, but with all the resources and
connections you can get from putting your work online, it probably won't take
you nearly as long as it did for me. But as mentioned above, however long it
takes, keep at it and keep improving, and sooner or later you'll catch the
break you need.
9. How long have you been writing?
Roughly 25 years. Started when I was around 17, and never got my foot in the
door until recently. It's been a long and frustrating road, but as I said
above, it's been worth it. I've had my first two successes, and I feel like
the next one is just around the corner.
10. Any future goals?
Mainly, to make a living with my writing. That would be ideal, since I'm driven to
keep writing. I can't not write. So to make enough at it to write
full-time would be absolutely awesome.
For specifics ... my short-term goals include finally finishing my fourth
novel (third in the Neon City series) which I've been working on sporadically
for four years; expanding Game Over into a full novel as the novelette has
only sold a few copies since I published it, and I feel like there's more to
the story, enough for a whole novel that I'll submit to the same publisher
that accepted Chaser; expanding Mission to Bellatrix into a full novel as
well, because there's plenty more story to tell there, and then either put it
in the Kindle Scout program and see what happens, or submit it to the same
publisher; get started on a sequel to Chaser; keep working on Elsewhere;
finish my current Transformers Prime fanfic and then start on the next; get
started on the next GI Joe story for Kindle Worlds; and keep working on my
Mass Effect fic (currently 113,000 words with a long way still to go before
it's finished).
11. Please lead us to your social media sites and where to buy your books:
My website: http://fredtkerns.weebly.com/
12. Any last words?
Thank you so much for this opportunity, and for bringing the Lucky Stars set
and each author's works to the attention of more readers. I had a great time
answering these questions, and hope your readers enjoyed this just as much. I
hope you check out our other books and stories and enjoy them as well. ^_^
but not least:
“Submit to Him”
Sasha Illyvich
is a story about the leader of the wolf pack, named Reinhold, who believes he
may be in love Theresa. She is a bit of a character in herself, a spoiled
brat who thinks she can get away with just about anything.
tried to warn Reinhold that she couldn’t be tamed, but Reinhold himself is
quite stubborn, and used to getting his way.
sisters Lynne and Crissy knew what was going on, and they understood. It was
them that had helped Reinhold to feel the true feelings of love.
took Theresa aside of one evening and tried to get her to see and feel, and
say what she wanted, but she refused. He left her there for a bit to wallow in
self pity, just as she was about ready to call out for him, Reinhold came in,
and untied and her and let her go. He did however, make her walk all the way
home, in a rather unique way.
Theresa arrived home, she more or less, tattled to her sisters about
Reinhold. They weren’t upset, in fact, they asked her why she hadn’t figured out
why he had chose her. She went to her room to sulk, and finally figured it
Theresa learns that she does in fact need Reinhold, and that he is everything
she craves and desires. She goes to him, and he teaches her, and once she
becomes part of him, he then changes her name to: Artista.
Artista is taught about submission, and her desires, and love, and that she
was truly meant to be a part of Reinhold, and that now they will be leaders
of the pack.
very much enjoyed the spoiled brat part of this story, and the submission.
This was an excellent story, and so true to life with relations with people
and their attitudes, even though these were wolves.
questions for Sascha:
1. Reinhold seems different from any other of your wolf
characters I've ever read, why is that?
Reinhold was written around a time when I had three non-blood
related sisters taking care of me, in the D/s role, and I wanted to honor my
love for them. He came about not so much as a part of me, though that shows
through as a softer side of what some folks like to think of as me.
Reinhold was not tough as nails, but he was tough, on himself. He
put his pack’s needs first, fed them first, tried for them first, and he was
probably just an aspect of me I’d shelved because I wanted someone to see
that side but I couldn’t publically admit it existed.
2. Theresa certainly is a handful. Did you derive her character
from anyone, or just made up?
She’s the third, bratty, stubborn redheaded sister. In
reality, she’s based on a real person who mimics a lot of Theresa’s traits,
down to sticking her tongue out at me to tease me and tell me to piss off.
Little shit…
3. How long did it take you to write this book?
Few years I think. Started it way back, the idea was for it to go to
Total E-bound at the time but shit came up and I had something more important
to finish, so this book got neglected. Part of it had to do with the
fact that I didn’t have a proper ending. In my recent depression, I was
asked to contribute to this collection and I was having trouble coming up
with a story idea for what I actually wanted to write, and was digging around
my hard drive to see what I had that could fit, and I remembered this
unfinished story. I skimmed through it, found the copy had already been
edited but I can’t remember the person who took a crack at it, just that it
had been given some great feedback. When I reread the story, I realized
I had just the ending, based on an experience I was going through at the time
with someone who…owns a part of my heart, but doesn’t know what to do with
it? The advice I’d been given was to handle the situation just as Reinhold
handled Theresa.
4. Any suggestions for a person wanting to write a book?
Take a lot of N-Acetyl Cysteine for all the booze you’re going
to consume because it’ll drive you crazy? Develop not only a routine but the
discipline to follow that routine, and as I’ve always said, ignore the
critics. You’re a writer, then write. A lot. Every day in
fact. And learn to buy your own shit.
5. Why do you write?
So you can read. So you can feel when I can’t. I write so
you can understand, I write to share my pain, I write to justify my drinking
and cigar hobbies, I write for me. I write for them. I always wonder if
you make the world a stage for me, can you hear me scream?
6. What are your future plans?
Right now, they area up in the air. I just relocated back
to Tennessee for a short spell, but once I finish the final Opeth Pack book,
I can write whatever I want. I’m aiming for a Romantic Suspense, and
I’d like to get Stalker polished for my agent since she’s indicated there’s
still interest. Oh, and what you read as “Burning for Derrick” is
getting launched as “Slow Burn” as of this interview.
7. Have you ever written anything not sexually related? Or
thought about it even?
Plenty. I’ve written a lot of educational articles for ACC
Cigars, done SEO copy for porn sites, written ad copy for non-erotic books,
wine reviews, spirit reviews, done some technical editing.
8. What is the fastest book you have ever written and how long
did it take and why?
Probably the fourth Opeth Pack Book, because I had inspiration
in the form of a sweet bunny that kept pace with me until she fell asleep
around 1AM. Two months for 89,000 words. Plus, the story just
wrote itself.
9. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it
Probably my ability to deal with stress. The more chaos
and stress around, the more I tend to start to crack until eventually I
break, and when I do? When the pressure is mountain high, I’m good but
when it goes beyond? It’s bad. Blackout and hurt myself bad.
10. Please proving links to your social media sites and books:
11. Any last words?
Realize that for a writer, this is a job that takes a great deal
of torment from us, but for us as well. We are pouring our souls onto
the page and doubting
We do it for you, but we do it for us, because we
can’t do anything but write. Own it.